Adult Education Program

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Education is a privilege that not many people get to have. Those that do sometimes do not appreciate it until it is too late. One of the major characteristics of education is that it has no age. People are never too young or too old to be educated.

Adult education is very important nowadays, especially for adults who did not have the opportunity to receive proper education at a younger age. Education is, after all, a lifelong journey and for some people, the right type of education might be something they will find later in life. No one is to say that the path you will choose as a young person will be the path that you will take at the end, of course, adult education is not important only for that reason. There are many reasons why adults need to continue educating themselves, one way or another. Here are some of the most important ones.  Imagine not being able to read a bus terminal name, sign board, poster, book or a newspaper. Imagine your child got sick and your not being able to read the prescribed medicine usage and the right dose to be given. Anyone can make you believe anything due to your lack of knowledge and education. It will make you feel inferior in social gatherings and would ultimately can lead to unhappy and depressed life. Therefore, Paternal Love Pakistan (PLP) holds adult education classes at village and remote areas where there are no schools and people are engaged in different kind of lower jobs including debt bonded slavery. We help them their way back to God and to facilitate to grow in their social, personal, and spiritual lives.