Outreach Programs

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Pakistan is currently the second lowest country which ranks 151 out of 153 on Global Gender Index 2020 rakings. This reflects the inefficiency of the government and the society and tells the current status of women in a country, women working in rural areas are affected the most as they receive low wages as compare to men and are denied legal protection and social security. Unfortunately, these hardworking women are not even aware of their basic rights because they are not educated formally or legally to be able to fight for their rights. Women face many similar problems in Pakistan such as majority of
women face safety issue and dependence on male family members for commuting. Lack of affordable transportation in another crucial issue for women, and downheartedly, for many families; it is still more important that their daughters learn culinary skills than focus on their studies or career.
Paternal Love Pakistan (PLP) is convinced that trade is more dignifying than aid. That is why we will train young women in our Women Empowerment Center to become seamstresses, beauticians and designers. We will also provide hygiene and birth control education sessions. This will results in skilled and
independent women who can take care of themselves and their children. Pakistan ranks eighth in Global Slavery Index 2020, and according to the Global Slavery Index, about 5.6 million people are working as bonded laborers at brick kilns in Pakistan. In Pakistan unemployment is high and wages are low, therefore credit is really important for survival. When people are unable to find any alternative credit sources, they fall in trap of landlords, Brick Kiln owners, moneylenders who give those needed cash and offering them labor. In such an economic context, where alternative strategies for survival are limited, the male head of the family often enters into contract which place himself, a member of his family, or his entire family into bondage. PLP is dedicated to work on these outreach programs in coming years, by the Grace of God and through your joint efforts and prayers. You can help this project through your prayers and support.

  • Evangelism and Counseling
  • Women Empowerment
  • Child Labour Reduction
  • Debt Slavery Elimination